I have a tendancy to make people re-examine their own lies.
It doesn't make me very popular.
It seems like friendships, relationships, and yes even some familys are ripped apart in my wake.
I try to keep moving to minimize the damage.
But those I love most seem to be the ones I hurt most.
Why do people prefer lies to the truth.
I really don't get it!
It seems like most of humanity breathes, eats, and lives lies...
I choke on em.
Please show me my lies so I can destroy them.
The truth never helped me, but lies make me ill.
Anyone else out there that loves honesty?
Why do we have to lie in this world?
Society tells us to be honest, then it uses our honesty to tear us apart.
If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to ignore it.
It doesn't make me very popular.
It seems like friendships, relationships, and yes even some familys are ripped apart in my wake.
I try to keep moving to minimize the damage.
But those I love most seem to be the ones I hurt most.
Why do people prefer lies to the truth.
I really don't get it!
It seems like most of humanity breathes, eats, and lives lies...
I choke on em.
Please show me my lies so I can destroy them.
The truth never helped me, but lies make me ill.
Anyone else out there that loves honesty?
Why do we have to lie in this world?
Society tells us to be honest, then it uses our honesty to tear us apart.
If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to ignore it.
My complaint is insincerity. I can appreciate a lie if its a bold faced out and out lie. What i hate is the half lie. The polite insincere gestures.
A lie is a lie, the insincere crap is nothing, just a waste of time