When people you don't like, don't like you, you know you're doing something right.
I just speak my mind. I don't try to be perfect, or expect perfection.
I do my best to get what I want and have fun while doing it.
And if you don't like me...
Boo fucking hoo.
In other news:
I've got 2 crows that visit me on my balcony.
They're just damned cool.
I leave out bird food, and I mostly get blue jays, but my favorites are the crows.
I just speak my mind. I don't try to be perfect, or expect perfection.
I do my best to get what I want and have fun while doing it.
And if you don't like me...
Boo fucking hoo.
In other news:
I've got 2 crows that visit me on my balcony.
They're just damned cool.
I leave out bird food, and I mostly get blue jays, but my favorites are the crows.
I like to have fun too. It's all about just having a good time with debates for me.
I cleaned bird shit off the side of my home today...