My friend from California call's me "Ohio's Answer to Rosie the Riveter. and he could not be anymore right. I am a workaholic and need to be physical in my vocation. Desk and sales jobs are not for me. I don't deal well with stupid people (I just turn around and walk away) and I hate the fact that the world has not come far enough yet to see a good worker even if they do have visible piercings, tattoos and multicolored hair. I work for one of the Big 3 Automakers. We all know where this is going. I have been laid off twice since December. All I want to do is get back to work and build some cars. Instead, I am sitting at home playing on the internet and trying to find something to occupy my time until I either get called back to the plant (looking at late summer) or one of these piddly jobs I applied for calls me. I am bored out of my mind and need a hobby.

You intrigue me
And we Irish boys are pretty snazzy at time