Caught a horrible cold. Probably due to the drinking so i wont be a round for a few days. i hope everyone is doing well Now im going to curl up into a ball and hope not to puke. see ya.
it's weird how you picked up on exactlly what my problem was and gave exactlly the advice I am seeking without me actually telling you what was wrong. I thought my journal was nothing but a bunch of random thoughts that went through my head lastnight as I couldnt sleep. That was exactlly the solution that I was thinking of however right now all i seek is the courage to take action.
You were dating someone for seven years?? since you were 13? whoa.
Well last night was brutal. I puked and puked until my organs blew out of my mouth. it was horrible. Im taking a break from drinking for a long time I've been down a self destructive road for way to long. anyways i wrote something in my semi drunk puking state wanted to share it. here it goes:
you hold us in your warm glow,... Read More
hehe awh
i so know how that goes man
yeah i need to swear off of one night drinking binges myself (well not swear off totally but for fucks sakes not mainline near a liter of whiskey im gettin too old for that shit! haha)
take care yo!
Going out clubbing tonight woohoo. Going to wear my strokes shirt its so sexy. my black pants wow i love those pants, and im going to put on a strut. Wow that was vain but sometimes i just can't help but sing the madonna song material girl. Oh wait im not a girl, so that song doesnt relate to me at all. This whole time... Read More
Recieved good news today. My friend and i have been working on a series of scripts for about 2 years. The the scripts are about our motley lives and such. anyways Last night there was a meeting with a production company in ottawa ( not a big one but its still one) so they are going to fund the project and that means finally we... Read More
yeah, zaphods and the dominion are two places i end up at most often. That or Paradox on the weekends, only because we usually know someone spinning there on the good half of the club, and we try to avoid the hoochies at the top 40 half of the bar.
i've never heard of the honest lawyer, where is that?
First time here. yeah im a little lost. either way i need a scanner to upload pics so ive put this one down for now. now im going to bore you with my mundane existence. today i woke up... yeah i guess ill start with that. i need to go back to school. I'm feeling a little blue . i need to leave ottawa no... Read More
what kind of places are you looking for in Ottawa? i'm new here, I've only lived here since last month! But meex knows Ottawa very well, she's been here her whole life.
I don't end up places where boys with rugby shirts hang out... *shudder*
You were dating someone for seven years?? since you were 13? whoa.
ew get some rest read and be healthy yo