OKay im back a few nights back my friends and i went out and caused some mischief. We would steal pile ons and pile on the entire road. Or steal a bunch of for sale signs and for sale our friends houses, or even better we would go up to big advertisment signs and changed the words so instead of something like Golden rock jewelers it would be golden cock jewelers. HAHAHA we are clever arn't we? Anyways the cream of that night was when we stole a lawn ornament that i will not describe at this point. Anyways we took it photographed it tied up wrote a ransome note and lay it on the victims porch. We threated to kill the ornament if they didnt give us a dozen diffrent size and colored shoes. Anyways we finally got bored and three days later delivered he lawn ornament back with a bag over its head. Now your probably thinking we have no life. Youre right we dont, but damn that was such a funny ass night. Never laughed so hard. Oh and we almost got arrested too but we ran like little goblins. FUN FUN FUN. So if you live in the ottawa area be ready because i will prank you.

yes that was hilerious man
yall are hysterical.
glad i dont live there.