Sorry about not answering comments this has been the longest week of my life. I can finally say i've walked everywhere in Ottawa. My body hurts from last nights fun fest. Met up with a few friends went downtown. Clapped at the fireworks, I think i was drooling while the fireworks where going off.... one of my friends looked at me kinda wierd. Then we all sat on a sidewalk drank a little then went to murcury lounge. Danced, Danced, Danced, vomitted, Danced, smiled, waved, stumbled a little, laughed, cried, picked my nose while no one was watching, laughed at the guys that where getting arrested because of thier drunken lawlessness, this is a run on sentence so im going to stop right... N... O... W. Okay finally went to catch the bus but it was too late for a bus so my friend nate called over a cab and got the cabbie to accept 7 people in his cab, how?, i dont remeber but we all got home safely. Oh yeah i also slept on the floor because my bestest friend Katie was to far from home. So i gave her my bed, Fuck that was uncomfortable. I couldn't even masturbate. sigh. Anyways That was my Canada day thursday. FUN FUN FUN>>>>>>>>

haha sounds like fun. i got drunk and played with fireworks and got action...
Hey at least you kept your pants on. The last time I was Really drunk in a bar, I lost mine, god know how I wasn't thrown out. Glad ya had fun.