yeah, i'm alive. been busy turning down job offers left and right. i swear - i have more offers right now than i can shake a stick at. why i'd be shaking sticks at them, i haven't figured out yet, but i seriously am straining my poor triceps with all this stick shaking!
can i just say that the new set with aries and amina is f*ing hot! those ladies are gorgeous, and i can personally attest to the fact that aries is also a genuine sweetie. go adore them immediately!
i'm sleepie. i'm cold. i'm horny and sexless. i'm homesick for bakersfield and my roommate. i'm going to sleep now.
kisses to you all!
can i just say that the new set with aries and amina is f*ing hot! those ladies are gorgeous, and i can personally attest to the fact that aries is also a genuine sweetie. go adore them immediately!
i'm sleepie. i'm cold. i'm horny and sexless. i'm homesick for bakersfield and my roommate. i'm going to sleep now.
kisses to you all!
Tell me more about these work offers - or was that severe sarcasm? You've been known to be sarcastic
Uh, on second thought please tease me with more nipples!!!!!!