what's the deal with men? are these BS games really necessary? why is it the universal law that to get what you want you have to say and act the opposite of that? why do i have to be a disinterested bitch to get someone's attention, but being a generous, attentive, affectionate, sweet person who expresses my real feelings just ends up with me being disregarded. i refuse to play games like that so if that's what it takes them i guess i'm doomed to being alone and that's fine by me. i won't submit and change who i am just to get what i want because that makes me just another manipulative female that all you f*ing men are always bitching about.
hey, there's a good point for you - if you're sitting there pissing and moaning about how women always take you for granted, manipulate you, take advantage then leave, breaking your heart in the process, maybe you should f*ing pay attention to the person sitting right in front you who's dying for a chance to do otherwise and at least stop blabbering on and on about the unfairness of it in front of her and recognize that she's the chance you haven't taken to see if there's a female who might be different. what a f*ing concept you f*ing brainiacs!!!!!
in other news... i have no other news. i'm grumpy.
hey, there's a good point for you - if you're sitting there pissing and moaning about how women always take you for granted, manipulate you, take advantage then leave, breaking your heart in the process, maybe you should f*ing pay attention to the person sitting right in front you who's dying for a chance to do otherwise and at least stop blabbering on and on about the unfairness of it in front of her and recognize that she's the chance you haven't taken to see if there's a female who might be different. what a f*ing concept you f*ing brainiacs!!!!!
in other news... i have no other news. i'm grumpy.
you wanna talk aboot it???????????????? ??????