Think about the amount of time you spend on this site. Do you ever feel like it gets to be an obsession? I spend way more time here than I should . . . but I feel compulsed to read people's comments, and leave them comments of my own. I read the journals of friends and people of interest, and I check the new sets. Then there are the groups and the boards to check out. You can literally spend hours doing this, . . . . sadly, to the detriment of whatever else you should have been doing . . . . like work? Do you have difficulty managing the time you spend here? Do you feel like you'll offend someone, if you don't post to their journal all the time, or answer every comment?
I'm sorry...I really didn't think you would ignore/disrespect me like that, but that's part of why I was so upset at the possibility that you were! I figured it was most likely a misunderstanding, I'm glad to hear that's the case. No hard feelings, I hope