Well . . . these past two days have been medical office hell. Yesterday morning, I had a 10:00 AM appointment with a dermatologist, to look at a little thing on my face. He finally graced me with his presence at 11:15. He assured me that it was nothing to worry about, but he insisted on taking a slice for biopsy. Oh yeah, and while we were at it, he found 3 "micro"moles on my back, and insisted we take a slice of those as well. So, out comes the hypodermic needle with a local anesthetic, and "bam" he jams the needle into my face. Nice! Then he jams the needle into the middle of my back. Very nice! Then we slice and dice, slap on the bandaids, and away we go. My second Drs. appointment, was at 6:00 PM. Nothing wrong, mind you, but they were holding my Nexium prescription hostage, until I'd come in for a visit. Well, this doc graced me with his appearance at 7:15 PM. BTW - there wasn't anyone else waiting. So he pokes and prods, gives me shit about not coming in for a year, sticks his finger up my ass, and sends me packing. since it was too late to take blood, I had to go to the lab at 7:30 this AM. After waiting 20 minutes (again no one else there) this technician invits me into her web . . . . must have been her first time . . . . she put the needle into my arm at least seven times trying to find a vein . . . finally finds one and says the blood isn't flowing very well. I suggested that if she let the pressure off the tournequet, my blood might actually flow into the vein! Aarrghh! Stay tuned . . . . I just know I'm gonna get shit about my cholesterol levels.
thanks for your nice comment. i feel your medical pain.