You never really know just how out of shape you are until you end up having to carry multiple heavy things and youre out of breath after just one. Eh, I guess its good practice for me cuz Tony called and said I could start training on Friday morning for the job. WooHoo! Its about Goddamn time he called me back. Its gonna suck having to wear a uniform again though. Oh well.
I was going through my DVD collection today and realized at least a third of it is animation of some sort. Mostly Japanese anime with some 80s cartoon movies thrown in for good measure. This brings me to todays question:
What is your favorite anime movie or show? And if youre not into that stuff, what is your favorite 80s cartoon or cartoon from your childhood?
My answer for favorite anime movie would be Vampire Hunter D, a gothic horror love story thats animated, whats not to love?
Im also an 80s cartoon freak and loved just about all of them. Transformers, He-man, G.I. Joe, Thundercats, Robotech, Voltron, Thundarr the barbarian, Beetlejuice, Count Duckula, Dungeons and Dragons, Spiderman and his amazing friends, Ghostbusters, Jem, The Super Friends, this list could go on for days. Im a dork and Im proud.

I was going through my DVD collection today and realized at least a third of it is animation of some sort. Mostly Japanese anime with some 80s cartoon movies thrown in for good measure. This brings me to todays question:
What is your favorite anime movie or show? And if youre not into that stuff, what is your favorite 80s cartoon or cartoon from your childhood?
My answer for favorite anime movie would be Vampire Hunter D, a gothic horror love story thats animated, whats not to love?
Im also an 80s cartoon freak and loved just about all of them. Transformers, He-man, G.I. Joe, Thundercats, Robotech, Voltron, Thundarr the barbarian, Beetlejuice, Count Duckula, Dungeons and Dragons, Spiderman and his amazing friends, Ghostbusters, Jem, The Super Friends, this list could go on for days. Im a dork and Im proud.

Fav Anime: Princess Mononoke and Tezuka Osamu
80's cartoons: Scooby doo (just for Velma she was a hottie),Rainbow Brite, Munchichis, Centurions, Challenge of the Gobots, Casper, Hulk Hogans rockin wrestlin, Fat albert, omg theres like hundreds.. I am a cartoon freak too.
Boomerang on cartoon network plays all these cartoons still.. Yay for retro fads!
Hey dont chicks dig a guy in uniform? Hmm I do.
I also forgot to mention Thundercats Hoooooooooooooooooo! I have to admit I had a crush on Lionel. purrrrrrrrr We'd have made pretty cat babies.
Yesh please take pics..