*snarl* WTF?! I get back from taking my mom to therapy today and theres a message on the machine from my ex, whom I have spoken to once since August of last year! She wanted me to give her cell phone a call when she got home from work and that we have matters to discuss So that got me wondering what the hell crawled up her ass badly enough for her to call me. I call her right after 5 and she immediately starts bitching at me about me not RSVPing to my friend Darrens wedding (whom she is planning). Shes yelling at me that its not something to be taken lightly and that for me to ignore it is immature. Hold the phone! I have until next SATURDAY to mail it and if it was that fucking big of a deal to them why didnt they call? She said that shes really not even sure why they sent me an invitation because its not like I see them anymore. I set her straight on this: Well honey, last time I checked, they spent almost every weekend hanging out with you and, News Flash, last time I checked you still fucking suck! So asking me questions you already know the answer to is pretty stupid! Got any more? She tried to continue to bitch me out but I hung up on her dumb ass. Im the immature one? I dont fuckin think so! Im going to the damn wedding but its obvious that she doesnt want me there, to damn bad I guess.
The gloves are off folks! And Corrosion smells blood!!!!
The gloves are off folks! And Corrosion smells blood!!!!

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...." I used to have that quote on one of my Yahoo profiles. I love that scene. On the Vangelis version of the Blade Runner soundtrack, he uses that drop in part of a song. I used to play it over and over again. I'm much better now though

exes are retarded. i say lets gather them all up and blast them off to mars. i'm building a rocketship in my backyard. wanna help? =)