My personal hero, Max Cavalera, has a new album coming out with his band, Soulfly, they are definitely not for everybody but I think they rock. He has overcome a lot of shit in his life to get were he is today and I admire him for it. Go check this out if you want, it rocks!
Max Interview
Max Interview
You seem like a very sweet man ... my mom deals with it, but its really hard, since she's a registered nurse and has a very heavy workload. My best friend keeps saying she has it but I dont believe her, lol ... she's the type that likes to make up excuses for her laziness. I was wondering what kind of tests they have to do to find out if someone has it? What procedures and medicine do they give? etc etc. I want to catch her in that lie so badly because she just never seems to want to do anything with her life, which kills me because I love her to death and I want to see her make it. So I want to call her on it so that she has no excuse not to go to college with me when I move back down, lol!!
ThAnks for all your concern, and Ill talk to ya soon!!