how do you watch tv without tv?
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Tuesday Jan 11, 2005
real life begins again today. let there be a brief period of silence … -
Sunday Jan 09, 2005
SUNDAY! hooray for sunday and rain. there's no drilling or sawing on … -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
every morning for the past tow months i have been woken at seven by c… -
Monday Jan 03, 2005
how do you watch tv without tv? -
Sunday Jan 02, 2005
whirlyknives left for work and now i have to go read the rest of post… -
Saturday Jan 01, 2005
it's day eleven after my tonsilectomy and i still talk like a south p…
sleep is a good one... i dream far better programs than any tv
a box on your head with the drawing of a tv on the front and a mirror is another great way... and my personal favorite
you have a pc...that can pick up digital tv.... if its set right
sit in someone elses front garden and spy... sounds triccky there... but you only mentioned watching
oh wait... u.s. ... best buy
ok i'm running thin now
anyway a pad of paper, a blank canvas, a book or a comic are all far better than tv