I was getting bored with hurting myself
If you fall down enough, well soon enough, you will find hell
It can't be as… as pretty as we hoped it would be
It's not even warm here, not even ten degrees
in brody dalle heaven.
i just picked up the Ghetto Love Ep from Spinnerette. So far so good.
the phrase which begins all the best blog entries,

SO... here's the story. Things are all kinds of fucked up right now. I don't even know where to begin. Could be simple, could be the hardest thing ever. I don't really know. Why should it be so difficult to make the *right* choice?

Alkaline Trio
"i don't blame you for walking away, 'do the same...
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i can't beleive how much i hate my job today. i just want to go back to bed. oh well i guess i need the money.

Awesome!!! I already pre-ordered Today We Are All Demons. Can't wait to see them live!!! Btw, like your shirt! NIN is also one of my favs! And good luck with the job! smile
So... Monday.
There is an understanding that on Monday we may go into work early if we wish. That is our busiest day.
On Saturday they just informed us that its now mandatory to work seven days a week through the holiday season. Well, this morning the supervisor stood in front of the production staff and declared that she was disappointed that very few people...
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I need a job. I need a REAL job.
I was (are you ready?) on the Geek Squad at Best Buy. I was the supervisor of the in-store computer services and the money was really nice. I didn't even mind driving 45 minutes to work every morning. I lost my position and they offered my way less money for a non supervisory position. I thought...
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