Year zero for publishing indeed. in more ways than one.
Sad. the world is sad. there are some things that we didn't need to replace, like newspapers. I love newspapers. Sure there's a lot to be said for destroying the entire industry such as conservation of resources. Consider that newsprint paper contains a huge percentage of recycled content and is, in and of itself, recyclable.
what will people hide behind in low budget spy movies?
what excuse will have have fro being locked out of your hose in the morning wearing nothing but your bathrobe if there is no morning paper?
newspaper clippings re-assure people that you are citing a credible source when you speak about current events. RSS excerpts don't really cut it.
Sometimes we move too fast. there are definitely times when I am out running around and want information, like movie show-times. believe it or not its easier to stop at the local convenience store and check the paper than it is to go back home and check the web. yeah, the phone works but i hate mobile web and my local theater doesn't update their voice-message listings reliably.
Well I guess im an old geezer after all
Sad. the world is sad. there are some things that we didn't need to replace, like newspapers. I love newspapers. Sure there's a lot to be said for destroying the entire industry such as conservation of resources. Consider that newsprint paper contains a huge percentage of recycled content and is, in and of itself, recyclable.
what will people hide behind in low budget spy movies?
what excuse will have have fro being locked out of your hose in the morning wearing nothing but your bathrobe if there is no morning paper?
newspaper clippings re-assure people that you are citing a credible source when you speak about current events. RSS excerpts don't really cut it.
Sometimes we move too fast. there are definitely times when I am out running around and want information, like movie show-times. believe it or not its easier to stop at the local convenience store and check the paper than it is to go back home and check the web. yeah, the phone works but i hate mobile web and my local theater doesn't update their voice-message listings reliably.
Well I guess im an old geezer after all
thank you for the friendship and the love..