I've developed a deep fascination for back-alleys. I realised it today while watching "Permanent Vacation". In the first scenes there are plentiful of nice ones and while watching them i suddenly understood why i always walk home along Industrigatan. That's where most of Malms' hookers hang out and i can't stand watching so many miserable way-past-my rescue lives but I walk there anyway. And now I understand. It's because of the street itself, because of the energy it radiates. The dangerous, dirty, vibrating energy that comes with som many people living constantly on the edge, constantly on the run or constantly looking. It is not a good place, not a good place at all. But I feel really alive there.
Och det dar med konstigt... Ibland ar konstigt jobbigt, nar man inte fattar grejen. Som min syster och filmen. Jag tror hon ogillade att den var konstig for att hon inte forstod den. Jag tyckte den var jattebra for att jag kande igen mig i den, osv.
Vilken tur att du somnade! Jag r mycket njd med min insats, utan att veta vad den var.