My baby Penny had surgery today. She had a tumor on her lower lip that kept getting bigger so they removed it today and are sending it off to be tested to see if it's cancerous. My poor girl! I know boxers are prone to getting tumors like this and they are usually fine, but I still worry. I'm a mom!
I haven't updated this in like a month and there's really nothing new to talk about. Still working 2 jobs. Still being disrespected by stupid boys. Still being a stupid girl and letting them get to me.
Let's see...I was a hair model the other day for a friend who is a rep for Wella and Sebastian hair products. I got my hair colored (by a professional stylist) for free. It's not that different than it was before, but it's pretty all the same. Just darker brown with some cinnamon colored highlights. what else.....I went to a surf video premiere last night and Kelly Slater was there, but I didn't get to meet him because my friend who had dinner with him and the Quicksilver crew was being kind of rude and snobby. I mean, seriously...if she were a big fan of Pennywise or something and they were in town, I'd introduce her since they are my friends. Why couldn't she do the same for me? Oh well....stupid girls, right? I guess that's it for now. I will leave you with a question from my copy of The Book of Questions, Love & Sex...
At the beginning of a relationship, do you trust your new partner unless there is something specific to make you do otherwise, or do you withold your trust until he or she has earned it?
I haven't updated this in like a month and there's really nothing new to talk about. Still working 2 jobs. Still being disrespected by stupid boys. Still being a stupid girl and letting them get to me.
Let's see...I was a hair model the other day for a friend who is a rep for Wella and Sebastian hair products. I got my hair colored (by a professional stylist) for free. It's not that different than it was before, but it's pretty all the same. Just darker brown with some cinnamon colored highlights. what else.....I went to a surf video premiere last night and Kelly Slater was there, but I didn't get to meet him because my friend who had dinner with him and the Quicksilver crew was being kind of rude and snobby. I mean, seriously...if she were a big fan of Pennywise or something and they were in town, I'd introduce her since they are my friends. Why couldn't she do the same for me? Oh well....stupid girls, right? I guess that's it for now. I will leave you with a question from my copy of The Book of Questions, Love & Sex...
At the beginning of a relationship, do you trust your new partner unless there is something specific to make you do otherwise, or do you withold your trust until he or she has earned it?

hope your kiddo is alright!!!