Okay, feeling better now. No more puking. But I do have a persistent headache. And damn if my body doesn't hurt all over from the wretching over the toilet the other night!
I am just having a bad week. The scottish boy and I have been fighting. awful fights. When he gets mad he says awful things to me. Says that I am selfish and don't give a fuck about anyone but myself. Says that he doesn't trust me. Says that the only reason I like my job at the bar is because I like having attention from guys. And then he likes to tell me to , "Fuck off." I know the latter is mostly just a cultural difference and they say that all the time, but he knows that I hate it. So, I havent spoken to him in a couple days. Told him to leave me be for a while cuz I don't know if I want to be in this relationship anymore. There are other guys who would not talk to me that way, I'm sure. Of course the last time we spoke he apologized for some of the things he said (not all) and promised he would not talk like that to me again. But he has a histpry of talking like that to me and I don't know if he will change.
And then there's the tall drink of water who's been paying me lots of attention lately and seems really nice as far as I can tell. He's 6'3, with dark hair that he likes to wear in a mohawk, has a great body, is tattooed, and rides a sick custom chopper. Oh, and he has a career and owns his own house and has an adorable southern accent. My friends think I should go out with him. One has known him since highschool. I am uncertain because of the scottish boy dilemma.
Argh! No wonder I have a headache!
I am just having a bad week. The scottish boy and I have been fighting. awful fights. When he gets mad he says awful things to me. Says that I am selfish and don't give a fuck about anyone but myself. Says that he doesn't trust me. Says that the only reason I like my job at the bar is because I like having attention from guys. And then he likes to tell me to , "Fuck off." I know the latter is mostly just a cultural difference and they say that all the time, but he knows that I hate it. So, I havent spoken to him in a couple days. Told him to leave me be for a while cuz I don't know if I want to be in this relationship anymore. There are other guys who would not talk to me that way, I'm sure. Of course the last time we spoke he apologized for some of the things he said (not all) and promised he would not talk like that to me again. But he has a histpry of talking like that to me and I don't know if he will change.
And then there's the tall drink of water who's been paying me lots of attention lately and seems really nice as far as I can tell. He's 6'3, with dark hair that he likes to wear in a mohawk, has a great body, is tattooed, and rides a sick custom chopper. Oh, and he has a career and owns his own house and has an adorable southern accent. My friends think I should go out with him. One has known him since highschool. I am uncertain because of the scottish boy dilemma.
Argh! No wonder I have a headache!

pretty girls should never have to put up with ass-holes.
My boyfriend doesn't mind when guys flirt with me at work because we have a solid thing and he's not threatened. And the 'you're selfish' name-callling thing...doesn't sound like he knows how to communicate maturely. Relationships like that never work out. I know you don't know me and it's not my place, but as a fellow female: you're better off without him. Hell, try being single for a while. You'll be so much stronger for devoting your energy to yourself for a few months instead of wasting it one someone who doesn't give back.