Holy crap! I am watching the stupidest shit ever on MTV right now. It's some "Real Life" show about girls who don't like their small boobs. The one girl has a mom who keeps telling her she needs to get fake breasts. And that that's the only way she's going to feel good about her body. Great mom! And then the other girl is spending...
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That's one of the saddest things I ever heard. What a bitch!
I haven't written a blog in a while. I used to keep up with this stuff pretty well. Tonight I am just chillin at home by myself for the most part. My roommate was here for a little bit. We are rarely home at the same time. That's the best kind of roommate! My bf is on the road for work. He's staying in charlotte...
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it's been many moons....hello again SG friends.
I am so sad. So depresssed. I hate my life. Nothing else to say.
It's not as bad as you think it is.
There's nothing quite like climbing into bed and feeling nice cool sheets on your naked body. Unless of course there's another naked body waiting for you. I'll settle for the sheets though.

Tonight I wish I was in Scotland. I wish I could have had a shish mahal dinner and then maybe a few drinks at Bunker and then home to watch tv in my pj's. That's what I wish. It'll probably change tomorrow.
I have no idea what to do with my life. I have a job I don't like. I have a huge amount of debt. I'm bored. I need to meet some new an interesting people and think my time in Wilmington may be coming to an end. It sucks to be 30 and have no idea what you want.
ps. I really luv the tattoo on your right side, its wonderful to see a girl with a tattoo that isnt a star, or kanji symbols on her lower back.
bravo I say!
bravo I say!
How about Los Angeles? 

I've got fresh ink! Check me out!
(look in my pics)
(look in my pics)
Fantastic... I love the old school/sailor design... any ideas for colouring?
It's even got the old school coloring. That rocks.
Happy birthday to me! I'm thirty today!

Happy Birthday, young lady.
hey baby!!thought i would drop you a quick message while i can. i miss you bunches and ill talk to you soon!
I hate being the wing woman! That is all.
yah but for five minutes we are all about the girl's breas.... um i mean the girl. don't worry you won't be the wing girl forever someday you could make it up to wedding crasher partner with another girl scopin the best man.
Wow....did your rib tat hurt as much as mine? I wanted to cry like a little girl.
um...I have to go play in a volleyball game tonight at Capt'n Bills. I agreed to be an alternate for my friends' team and they really need me tonight becase 2 of the other girls can't be there. I REALLY don't want to play. I SUCK really bad! I would much rather spend my evening with corpslife04. He got off work early tonight and...
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Here's a blog I posted on another site a year ago. (Notes from today are in parenthesis.)
idiot ad
Current mood: embarrassed
If I were to place a personal ad, here's what it should really say:
SWF, 28 (I'm 30 in August) looking for a guy who can put up with my BS
I like the beach, punk rock, tattoos, piercings, skateboards, and just having...
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idiot ad
Current mood: embarrassed
If I were to place a personal ad, here's what it should really say:
SWF, 28 (I'm 30 in August) looking for a guy who can put up with my BS
I like the beach, punk rock, tattoos, piercings, skateboards, and just having...
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hi jill its nice to meet you too
I ya babe.....miss ya, hope you well????