I got a new bicycle to-day. A BMX! A Hoffman Rythym IL1, to be exact. I can't wait 'till the snow melts to ride!....let's see...probably the middle of May haha. I'm verrrrrrrrrrry amateur at riding bikes, in fact, it's been like 10 years, literally, save the time i tried an aqquaintance's bmx at the gas station where he worked last summer. It was wierd and i was very bad at it. Plus it was wierd riding a tiny bmx. But i've wanted one for a while now, plus it's a good way to shed a few lbs, which i've been meaning to try to do. Plus bmxs are just cooler (and cheaper) than mountainbikes...well, in my shady opinion. So wish me luck in learning. Maybe i'll be tail-whipping and fufanuing by summmer's end! Woo!
If I told you what NKC ment i'd have to kill you!
well, maybe not something as rash as murder... but close.
congrats on the new bike.
[Edited on Feb 05, 2006 5:22PM]