okay haven't posted for a while so let's see what I can come up with
let's see my job sucks and we received 10% pay cut and I only get about six hours a day 4 days a week so I'm not making that much right now but I guess at least I have a job some asshole kid back into my Jeep and did $2500 worth of damage and my insurance company isn't going to cover nearly half that
okay enough talking about my problems I hate talking about my problems and hate listening to people about their problems not all the time just some of the time so I can imagine you're probably not too interested in my problems so on we go
smudged the pug escaped yesterday took me a while to catch him yet he had fun to pissing on everything in sight all in all it was a pretty good day for both of usI don't know if any of you watched a UFC I followl it fairly close I got a friend who's into it and he has a friend who is the MMA fighter is not famous yet but I guess he had a one fight fairly recently on ESPN so so that was cool
no pictures this time I will have to take some soon and post more especially of smudgy
let's see my job sucks and we received 10% pay cut and I only get about six hours a day 4 days a week so I'm not making that much right now but I guess at least I have a job some asshole kid back into my Jeep and did $2500 worth of damage and my insurance company isn't going to cover nearly half that
okay enough talking about my problems I hate talking about my problems and hate listening to people about their problems not all the time just some of the time so I can imagine you're probably not too interested in my problems so on we go
smudged the pug escaped yesterday took me a while to catch him yet he had fun to pissing on everything in sight all in all it was a pretty good day for both of usI don't know if any of you watched a UFC I followl it fairly close I got a friend who's into it and he has a friend who is the MMA fighter is not famous yet but I guess he had a one fight fairly recently on ESPN so so that was cool
no pictures this time I will have to take some soon and post more especially of smudgy


thank you for the comment on my set!!