Hello! Everyone I loved all your answers but this time I have only 3 questions ok!
1: what is your favorite video game? A: Baldur's Gate for pc...... RPG based on d&d
2: best book you ever read. A: Gift of power......about modern Lakota shaman
3: what do you collect? A: I collect skulls
This is my girlfriend she says she is not sexy but I disagree so tell me what you think and more importantly tell her at stormdrac she just built up the confidence to post some mild pics good comments will encourage her and build confidence and self-esteem so go to her site stormdrac and look under pics and leave comments I took the photos and she picked out what she liked the photos hear are what I liked and I am just learning photography.

as always i love you all and please leave comments
1: what is your favorite video game? A: Baldur's Gate for pc...... RPG based on d&d
2: best book you ever read. A: Gift of power......about modern Lakota shaman
3: what do you collect? A: I collect skulls
This is my girlfriend she says she is not sexy but I disagree so tell me what you think and more importantly tell her at stormdrac she just built up the confidence to post some mild pics good comments will encourage her and build confidence and self-esteem so go to her site stormdrac and look under pics and leave comments I took the photos and she picked out what she liked the photos hear are what I liked and I am just learning photography.

as always i love you all and please leave comments

2: best book you ever read: Thats so hard to answer, but I think 1984
3: what do you collect? nothing, or at least I try not too.
2: best book you ever read: another tie: Skinny Bitch and John Wydam's The Chrysalids
3: what do you collect? Playboy (and other porn), and cookbooks, and Magic cards