Nothing new....boring life of school school
People are droppin' off SG right and left
I think my membership days are limited and probably can't afford to renew.
If anyone wants to know of a grat anatomy book, check out Frank Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy. Incredible illustrations. Expensive book, but worth every cent.
take care all

People are droppin' off SG right and left

If anyone wants to know of a grat anatomy book, check out Frank Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy. Incredible illustrations. Expensive book, but worth every cent.
take care all


i love anatomy! i miss you too sweetie! how has life been for you these days? Mine could definitley be better. I just feel so stressed out and depressed these days..... its like a never ending cycle. But today I ate some olives to make me feel better ! hehe and I thought of you!

ok, demons 2 was pretty bad, and where was the gore??? but that demon puppet had me rolling. that thing was so stupid and hysterical.