Appy-polly-logies to all. I have not been on-line much at all these days. It's a really nice day out and I technically don't have to go to school.
I decided last week to re-take the second semester of school; I just don't feel as confident in my knowledge of anatomy to move on yet. Neuromuscular Therapy is a delicate(in many ways) process. I want to make sure I KNOW EXACTLY what I'm doing when I do it. Anyone can do basic massage, but Neuromuscular is fucking difficult and requires full attention and intent. Not much room for mistakes.
So now I have a month to come and go as I please to school, which I am gonna take semi-full advantage of, then it all starts again. Luckily I know most of the Juniors I'll be joining next semester. It was really cool of the school administrator to allow me to do this for free, and in the recommendation letter she posted, she called me an "extremely talented student"
I don't usually take well to compliments, but that made me feel pretty good in a time when I've been so goddamned depressed.
I'm on a quest for herb today......must have it.
Good day to all, droogies
I decided last week to re-take the second semester of school; I just don't feel as confident in my knowledge of anatomy to move on yet. Neuromuscular Therapy is a delicate(in many ways) process. I want to make sure I KNOW EXACTLY what I'm doing when I do it. Anyone can do basic massage, but Neuromuscular is fucking difficult and requires full attention and intent. Not much room for mistakes.
So now I have a month to come and go as I please to school, which I am gonna take semi-full advantage of, then it all starts again. Luckily I know most of the Juniors I'll be joining next semester. It was really cool of the school administrator to allow me to do this for free, and in the recommendation letter she posted, she called me an "extremely talented student"

I'm on a quest for herb today......must have it.

Good day to all, droogies

finally the clickys worked for you. i was inspired. i just got the unrated dvd of night of the demons the other day. so deliciously cheesy. and oh, linnea quigley and the lipstick.

you have seen the first night of the demons, haven't you? the movie rocks.