Ya know...
I like to see Bush protesters as much as the next guy, but the "activists" they get to speak for these little liberal "grass roots" type organizations are soooooo fucking boring to listen to. Not a single one of them had a descent chant. They just sound dumb
I wish we had some cool and interesting people on the opposing side. Bush is great as a villain. Hell I'm almost glad he's around for something creepy to base a fictional character on
but where is the hero?
Since B Hicks died there really hasn't been anyone interesting and funny and honest to speak against the likes of our current affairs.
It is pretty fudged up that the GOV wouldn't let the protesters have a warming tent to set up. I know that activists can be a bit annoying, but at least be reasonable. They were allowed to set up bleachers but no warming tents.
Were these people really that big of a security risk? It just seems a wee bit childish to me.
I practiced, and had done upon myself, abdominal work today in class. It was really incredible
We measured ourselves before and after and after I was lengthened almost an inch. It takes a good hour/hour and a half to do proper ab work; the tissue is very tender and there are several endangerment sites to watch for. It really blew my mind because my back felt the best it has felt in 5 years
Neuromuscular Therapy is really opening my eyes and awareness to myself and other people. I recommend it too anyone.

I wish we had some cool and interesting people on the opposing side. Bush is great as a villain. Hell I'm almost glad he's around for something creepy to base a fictional character on

Since B Hicks died there really hasn't been anyone interesting and funny and honest to speak against the likes of our current affairs.
It is pretty fudged up that the GOV wouldn't let the protesters have a warming tent to set up. I know that activists can be a bit annoying, but at least be reasonable. They were allowed to set up bleachers but no warming tents.

I practiced, and had done upon myself, abdominal work today in class. It was really incredible

Neuromuscular Therapy is really opening my eyes and awareness to myself and other people. I recommend it too anyone.
Reverse cowgirl is when the girl is riding a guy with her back facing him.Its pretty nifty really, I loves it.
Anyways, talk to you later.
Oh yeah, The Dead Milkmen rule.
Explain how I could be doing this. I have let myself slip into a pit of depression. Got a gut. Plus I hit up a chiropracter for a pinched nerve in my back, got any helpful hints?
I wrote my cousin who is in Orelando. She is a busy girl, maybe she'll write me back.
Suppose to be heading an hour from here through the shitty blowing and drifting snow to compose a box. Middle of nowhere a buddy is planning a growth system. Funds is what he needs. Shit I'm down. Fresh greens are always better.