I finally saw JU-ON and I thought it was FUCKING GRRRRRREAT!
It gave me a few chills
Still haven't seen The Grudge yet(American version of JU-ON) but I here it si 90% of the Original and explains some loose ends.
2nite I am studying 4 my exam on all the posterior muscles of the leg and thigh and posterior muscles of the foot and where they all originate, insert, and their functions.
Man oh man is this stuff tougher than I had anticipated. But , at least I'm finally learning the neuromuscular aspects of bodywork.
I'm tryin to keep up with my SG homies and homettes but it's tough right now. Don't feel like I'm ignoring any of you cuz I'm not. I haven't met anyone on this site yet who's conversations and journals I did not enjoy in one way or another.
-----------Peace and violence-----
It gave me a few chills

2nite I am studying 4 my exam on all the posterior muscles of the leg and thigh and posterior muscles of the foot and where they all originate, insert, and their functions.

I'm tryin to keep up with my SG homies and homettes but it's tough right now. Don't feel like I'm ignoring any of you cuz I'm not. I haven't met anyone on this site yet who's conversations and journals I did not enjoy in one way or another.
-----------Peace and violence-----