I have been drawing alot more lately. Mostly with ink, cuz I just got another Sharpie pen set that has a bunch of nice colours. All thin lines, to compliment my fat Sharpie kit. Not as good as Prisma, but they are nice nonetheless. Plus, workiing on my projects for school kind of boosted my creative impulses up a bit. Mostly I use my bodywork for creative outlet, but it's nice to be drawing some more; it's been a long time and I always feel better when I'm engrossed in one of my stupid little pieces
If that fat bastard Santa brings me some real goodies this year, then maybe I'll be able to post some of my bad art for all to ignore
Joy to the world and Bah Humbug and all that

If that fat bastard Santa brings me some real goodies this year, then maybe I'll be able to post some of my bad art for all to ignore

Joy to the world and Bah Humbug and all that

Have a good holiday!!!
merry christmas