I got a call from a good friend of mine,Aaron a couple of hours ago telling me that a mutual surfer-homie of ours was shot last night in the abdomen by some fuck that was there to shoot his roommate over some stupid drug deal , I imagine. Right at one of my calm areas to hang out at on JAX Beach.
Clayton, the one who was shot, got there first with his girl and the dude with the mask on ganked her purse and Clayton went after the guy and he pulled out his pistol and layed one shot to the belly. One fucked up thing about the whole thing is Clayton ran across the street to this dude who we all know's apt, bleeding profusely, and the dude slammed the door on him and told him he didn't want anything to do with it
I've already got a BIG beef with this prick(his name being Johnathan) cuz he beats the living shit out of his dog Drake all the time---almost killed the poor thing one night not too long ago.
I'm trying real hard not to be like my old self and do some stupid shit and end up with him in the ER and me in lockdown.
Fuck it! His karma will catch up with him. Plus I know a few people who keep an eye out for when he slips up and leaves Drake alone so they can snatch him up and put him somewhere he can run around and not get beat.
Another fucked up thing is that we all know where Clayton is, we know he is supposed to be in stable condition, but most of us just know his first name. So I'm waitin' on a call to find out if we can go to see him tonight.
He's a good guy with a good heart. I hope they catch this guy who shot him.
Man, if someone flashes a pistol, don't be brave or dumb. I don't want anyone to have to go through that.
take care all
-------I may talk shit sometimes but I don't want to hurt anyone and I damn sure don't want to hear about any more bullet ridden bodies.
Now I'm gonna go study for my test on the skin tomorrow and hopefully retain some of it.
Clayton, the one who was shot, got there first with his girl and the dude with the mask on ganked her purse and Clayton went after the guy and he pulled out his pistol and layed one shot to the belly. One fucked up thing about the whole thing is Clayton ran across the street to this dude who we all know's apt, bleeding profusely, and the dude slammed the door on him and told him he didn't want anything to do with it

I've already got a BIG beef with this prick(his name being Johnathan) cuz he beats the living shit out of his dog Drake all the time---almost killed the poor thing one night not too long ago.

I'm trying real hard not to be like my old self and do some stupid shit and end up with him in the ER and me in lockdown.
Fuck it! His karma will catch up with him. Plus I know a few people who keep an eye out for when he slips up and leaves Drake alone so they can snatch him up and put him somewhere he can run around and not get beat.
Another fucked up thing is that we all know where Clayton is, we know he is supposed to be in stable condition, but most of us just know his first name. So I'm waitin' on a call to find out if we can go to see him tonight.
He's a good guy with a good heart. I hope they catch this guy who shot him.
Man, if someone flashes a pistol, don't be brave or dumb. I don't want anyone to have to go through that.
take care all

Now I'm gonna go study for my test on the skin tomorrow and hopefully retain some of it.

That's some crazyshit man. Never had a gun pulled on me before. Don't even own one. High riders are cool, until the deaths occur I've heard. No a few reformed ones. How you hanging in there? Sufer buddie? You are a surfer? I skateboarded for about 5 years. Remember, keep your head high.

Maybe you have the abilitie to see things ohters can't understand. Teach.