What a relieving 4:20 session I just had. It took me about 2 hours to get home from school today when normally it takes 15 min. There was a bad wreck on Phillips highway(US1) and Greenland road. Didn't catch many details other than a big ass truck flipped over.
Oh welly welly well, droogies.
My clients are getting more numerous by the week now. One last night, 2 tomorrow, 3 more this weekend with a couple more with a big question mark on 'em. Another major test tomorrow that I am ill prepared for. Uhhhhgggg, all night study again
The inferior to superior section of the human body; ligaments, trochanters, ASIS, meniscus fluid, Gerdy's Tubercle, satorius, gracilis, semimembranous, and so on through the night it will go
I wish I was better at this studying thang.
I should probably get crackalakin.
I feel like I'm forgetting something.....

My clients are getting more numerous by the week now. One last night, 2 tomorrow, 3 more this weekend with a couple more with a big question mark on 'em. Another major test tomorrow that I am ill prepared for. Uhhhhgggg, all night study again

I wish I was better at this studying thang.
I should probably get crackalakin.
I feel like I'm forgetting something.....