So... classes aren't so bad this semester. I'm taking a laid back approach thus far. Me working at a quarter of my capacity is usually better than my peers working at full. *I* feel like i'm slacking... but who cares, everything gets done and I'm not stressed.

I kinda came to a realization the other day... Life is far too short to spend ANY time...
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booored. Friend of mine sent me a weird fucking site... check it out. It is asmusing and weird all at the same time.

Cats That Look Like Hitler
Now see, I fucking hate this new format cuz I keep mis-posting shit as a comment then trying to move it and it gets deleted. oh well. Lets see if we can recap of the bitch fest.

Classes started today, jaw feeling a ton better but i suspected my ears were fucked because I have no clue what any of my professors said today. I...
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Damn Ufest ended at like fuckin 10:30... toooo early!! I did want to take some Ibprofen, some asshole started punching me for keeping him from punching some girl... lovely. People need to lay off the fucking steroids/meth.

The Crew will be there sans a few... going to be there a little later when it cools the fuck down. Chicago Man and Canada Boy can't handle standing in this heat that long even if the others can. Fun fun, prolly go back to my buddy hunter's afterwards for BBQ, Drinks, and Hot tub at 1am.

OH... THREE BAD JACKS! Sept 5th!! Be...
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Gym+Work+Sushi+Saki = *groan* Way too much in a day. Ufest2 friday though!!!!

Korn, Deftones, Stonesour, Flyleaf, etc.! Only $9.98 for lawn seats so NO EXCUSES! Come out and damage your hearing!

Been having a fun week of pre-class celibrations, to those that have come out... HOPE YA HAD A BLAST! For those who havn't... you're missing out!

New rocky horror sept 2nd btw!
Tranzylvania was a complete blast, great atmosphere and good people. However... club Hell was a bit... uhh too much for me.

Hell was a bit of a... surreal experience. Listening to industrial/trance techno music while people danced around in lab coats, scrub, surgical masks, stethescopes, and clipboards along with your assortment of misc. fetish "naughty nurse" outfits while people on stage get pierced.... just kinda...
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You go to fetish ball? I went to the fetish prom last year.

And yeah, fuck going back to school. Not looking forward to community college at all.

Nice choice of movies, yourself. smile
Tranzylvania today, Hell tomorow. Friends and I are overdoing it a bit on the weekends but gotta have some fun while we can... ASU starts back up in a damn week. BOO.
2 words... mad skills. I got back from the gym tonight, looked at my hair being all fucked up looking from exercise and decided to cut it. Suprisingly, I think I did a fucking better job than most places I PAY to cut it. Much better than the time I got drunk and let a friend cut it for sure.

So I guess the lesson...
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Touche on the spying. Touche.

Maybe you should get a flowbee. You know... one of those things you attach to a vaccum?

So easy anyone can do it! Even this guy with the oddly stained shirt.
See everyone out in Tucson tonight! I'll be the one in the biker boots, leather pants, and fedora moving in a large pack. Well provided more people don't wuss out last second!

There's beauty in the breakdown... so let go, just let go.
So... how's the spying going?