God damn you wussies who don't want to go to Club Hell, and people who "decided they aren't going to drink ever again." That is a freakin' cop out! Oh and Rocky Horror isn't homo, so put your gay-dar down and chill! Jeesus! Okay, thats my rant to all the Hallo-weenies... pull your head out of your ass and celibrate!

In other news... uhhh I...
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God I love American Beauty. I caught it on TV again tonight while sitting around waiting for my perpetually-late friends to be ready to go out.

"My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely...
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What the fuck is up with rude people acting like complete wankers even when you're trying your hardest to be nice to them?

I dunno about the rest of you, but when i'm being a COMPLETE asshole to someone, and they stay nice... I feel like a cad and apologize. I really try my best to be nice to people these days, but people are...
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FUUUUUCK I'm losing my mind this week. I need a drink... only a mid-term exam and then i'm ready! But MAN this song seems to really fit my life lately....

"i never really meant to volunteer
I felt the urge to stretch
After a yawn and incidently raised my hand." - Verve Pipe(yeah yeah... they actually have SOME good songs)
I'm having severe issues motivating myself to do ANY work lately. I don't know what the damn issue is.

But oh well, I guess its more important to enjoy your life than fulfil other people's expectations.
fulfil your own not other people or else in the end you'll feel like fucking shit when it all comes down on your ass because you didn't try 'harder enough'.
Meh... expectations suck. Corporate spying just isn't what it used to be.

Hey, I think that Midnyte (as in the SG) lives in the area and does leather work... if you're not comfortable with the sewing I think she takes on extra work. Just a thought. But yeah, I always get these grandiose costume plans and they never plan out. However, this year I'm working with a guy whose girlfriend has had a lot of experience doing high-dollah hair and makeup and she's done some stuff with special effects. I think she's willing to do my makeup so I am goooooold!
Hell week is OVER! FINALY! I was in the hardware lab till midnight every night this last week, and 9 hours on sunday. Didn't finish one of my projects in time today, and finished my last mid-term. I think I kinda fizzled out towards the end but oh well.

Fetish ball is coming this weekend! Should be good fun.
Today is a P day, I dunno why. I even sat down and wrote a freaking p sentence.

Pragmatic pathological presumptious purl plausible political correctness from pathetic pugilistic pundits.

I've had to ponder over prepatch problems pretaining to present programs.

plus my previous post on pennies, and today's pics from Poe.
Note to self: The old penny superstition is somewhat invalid here in Arizona. When one finds such an object on the ground that has been baking in the sun for hours. Perhaps it is best to leave it there on the ground. Because it tends to be FUCKING HOT. It is like reaching out to grab a red hot oven burner.

Haha we learn something...
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Whoever came up with the idea of doing binary tables in excell needs to be severely hurt. Just columns of 1s and 0s you have to match up and transpose. My eyes cross and blur and I feel like i'm looking at one of those stupid steriogram things that were all over malls in the 90s. You know, the things that look like static, but...
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