Ya know, the fuckin worst is when you're procrastinating and trying your best to not work... but nothing else really sounds much better.
You didn't ask where I work. I just realized the comment above you asked that. smile Sorry!
Thanks for the tips! Really good advice... I need it all!

And it turns off and goes back to Windows. We're using XP... i hate it! I don't think I'll be able to afford a Mac for years, but that's what I'm shooting for.... frown Someday! Until then I need to work on protecting my PC a little better.
My new project: Causing my friends to be truly free, and realize how often they bow down to invisible restraints placed upon them by society.

My first goal is to make people realize they have every right to go up and try to initiate a conversation with ANYONE. Or to look at people in other cars as they're driving. It's just little things that people...
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Yeah fuck that last post was long and rambling. SO uhhh short one for today.

OUCH! Allergies and being sore from the gym suck ass. I should be accomplishing things, but... that just isnt gonna happen. Been eatin' ramin noodles and watching movies... and speaking of, back to it!
Welcome to my little diatribe, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and just felt it needed to be put to the perverbial paper.

It can be a high burden to deal with the fact that 99% of the world prefer ignorance and blindess to reality and truth. Reality can be a harsh world that requires thick skin. It is also the most...
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After St. Patty's AND Spring Break. I didn't even do anything crazy! I started a new job and had some family issues. WTH. Thanks for your support(sympathy? wink) Where are you going to school?
So uhh been a good week thus far, sat around at the pool a lot, been celibrating pre-st.Patty's and all that good stuff. I don't have anything too profound to say other than that, I spose. Bought a copy of "Stranger than fiction" and have been subjecting all my friends to it.

I've been having some fuckin weird dreams this last week. For example... I...
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Fuck yeah, Gogol Bordello.
So... like a fuckin' month later eeh? nice...

That's about right, though... i've been going solid for about a month of insanity. I had a reprieve over the weekend, but instead of doing anything, I sat around with the lights off listening to music and zoning out at the ceiling. Sometimes you just need to let your brain cool down, I guess.

I decided i...
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You're gay. Lets kick some puppies together <3
GO BEARS!!! I'm not even a football person, but I'm a Chicago boy and they ARE the home town heroes. I may actually watch the Super Bowl for the first time in uhh... prolly EVER?! Umm... other than that I've been going around finding different music to listen to. This is one that has been stuck in my head, let me know whacha think:

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Out of 5 friends, IM the last in line?? Objection.
Alright I bulloxed up the last one right good somehow, and it won't even let me edit to change it... so let me reiterate!

Gypsy pride! They may be Romani Gypsy, and my family may be Irish Traveler(gypsy as well), but the spirit is still the same. Gogol Bordello lends some great spirit to the music scene with Gypsy Punk music. Check out this clip:

I'm waiting to take my test.. I'm not working ina salon right now, lame lame I know.

Gypsy pride! We won't begrudge them being Romani, not everyone can be Irish. These guys are my new love: Gogol Bordello.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wJlGutqFqfg"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wJlGutqFqfg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Hei Chavorale.. Think locally!
Palo mande... Fuck globally!

Which brings me to another thought...
Where shall I take my insanity on tour this year? I'm looking at march and looking at being...
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I started off the day getting stuff done. I made a real effort... no, seriously. I woke up, made myself some tea, and scones. Went to the Gym, came home and started cleaning/organizing things... and it degraded from there. I started going through my CDs, and playing them as I was cleaning, and then just decided to lay in the middle of my floor surrounded...
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