Anyone else find it fucking odd that I work on the weekends when I should be fucking off, but I fuck off durring the week when I should be working? Had a BBQ today, but kicked everyone the hell out because I had to get work done. Last night I sat around and got work done.

Oh on that note, I now have a co-worker...
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that is a bit odd.

i never saw the movie; i bought a hot cd instead.. and then zoned out alll night. it was fantastic.
sucks for him...
Yay chiropractor again tomorow.

I'm still trying to decide on where to go. I've never been to australia, but I love going to Germany. Chicago is probably goign to be a more realistic thought since I realized today I don't know wtf my passport is... so I have to go get another one. I hear they are taking up to 3 months to get. frown

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i am still going to steal your cat.. i will put her in my purse and give her as many tea cups as it takes to make her happy in life. biggrin
I'm bored. I want to get out of the country this summer, or at least out of town. I can't decide if I want to go visit family and hang out in Chicago for 2 weeks, or go to Germany and hang with friends&family, or got to Australia. A friend of mine is going to be working there in Melbourne until August, so it would...
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if you end up going to rhps sometime give me a heads up and ill try to make it... maybe dig out my old copy of the sndtrk so i can re-remember some of the words

that's amazing! (in re: to h&h) how does a place survive so long with such bad service?

i like the needles in the neck thing.. my acupuncturist was a bitch though. 2 sessions a week for 6 months. i prefer massages or full body lymph drainage. hopefully your neck will be okay; it sounds really scary.

you have been everywhere. that's awesome.. but what happens after you've made it through your list of places to go? i have a million places i want to go see before i'm knocked up..
Wow so highly stressful day that sucked horribly turned into me pushing myself way fucking hard at the gym on leg day... I literally feel like I have no legs. I almost biffed it like 5 times walking off curbs and getting into the car. LUCKILY I SURVIVED. Friend of mine then Had a birthday party where we did shots of Absinthe(the real stuff yeah.)...
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hmm. you mayb need my liver tonic morethen i do!

it seems that i have gotten father in life with blushing, giggling and looking at my shoes then looking people in the eye. it's because they stupidly think i'm a sweet girl.. so i can get away with murder. crying to the cops only works if you have glitter on your face i guess.. not so much a five o'clock shadow wink
fairly coherant
absinthe is nice so is chicago
ive only been to rocky horror a few times
it's entertaining the one time i went with an sg
was probably the most fun
I fucking hate having professors who barely speak english. I mean what the fuck does it mean when they say "What values are greater (smaller) than the median of median hash functions" Now i understand it all up to the greater(smaller) crap. WTF? god...
? yeah i didnt understand
maybe they need a translator

hey i notice you go to rocky horror?
i was thinking of going sometime since it's literally accross the st. from where i live
how's it like there?
Gogol Bordello speaks truth, I had this song in my head when I woke up:

By the desperate 'n confused
Emotion of the youth
I was brought to Crisis Island
Where after getting checked for fleas
and barricades of embassies
I was sculpted to be overworked and silent
But since the early age
I broke out of cage
And learned how to make marching drums...
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yeah. i don't drink cause i'm not 21 so it's hard to meet people in Az. i kind met someone to be friends and then he turned out to be a RL perv haha. internet pervs are okay but not RL ones!!

i like cold. i <333 wearing sweaters, woll coats and a scarf around my face..! i want to move where it's so cold that your car won't turn on! if i could i would move to minneapolis.
I rarely make eye contact since it causes a bit of anxiety in me when people look in *my* eyes. I only look into someone's eyes when I think they are lying. Or if they are trying to make me feel stupid.

House parties? The last party I went to was an Atomic Comic x-mas party.. Before that I was 15 haha. Since I never, ever talk to strangers I don't know.. I guess I will always have more on-line friends then in RL. It's just nice to curl up next to a friend when you're heartbroken or s/he's heartbroken and listen to bad records. AND to call someone up at 2 am to go get slurpees and sit in the park unti lthe cops tell you to leave. Good times..

I've never been to the Rocky thing.. I know what they do to "virgins" and I would die. Literally. shocked
The biggest thing that sucks about being an engineer is that with so much technical information, you cannot talk to anyone about work. People's eyes glaze over, roll back into their head, then they pass out when I start in on NAS and Ad-Hoc, etc. Yet, everyone else can talk about their exploits taking care of old people, and dealing with people's mouths as a...
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Okay and a night off from manwhoring to build up for Friday. What ever to do on friday, though?! A friend of mine is having a birthday party... but it always gets completely out of hand. I don't know if I really honestly can deal with that this year. Let me give you an example... last year we all got detained because one of her...
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yeah actually i know a good dentist..Chris Harris on southern and higley. i can't find the number but yeah.

i know what you mean. if i were an actual, literal whore i would be making what i'm worth instead of pennies for a corporation. surreal
is there one in AJ? now i have to dex it to find out..! i always thought there was just one but maybe there are a few!

okay my ex has a wii and i rigged it so i didn't have to move, haha. i really am that lazy of a gamer. moving hinders my gaming experience. srsly. wink
Yes, I will be manwhoring this evening at the roadhouse. I accept donations of Vodka and $20s in my undies. Cept not the Vodka. That could be bad/messy.(yes that means I'll be drinking the vodka FYI)
Okay so explain to me why when at work I can sleep just fine, but when at home I sit and stare at the damn ceiling.

I always end up catching something good on tv like SLC Punk and then thinking about how true it is. Yeah, instead of sleeping... I sit and contomplate the complexity of life.

That sounds even dumber than it really...
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that's cool i got spiderman to fix it for me
i didnt even know he was a mac guy!
You're prettier when you dont think.

Clubhouse tonight. Beyatch.

I'll be making a rare public appearence. Be there.