Nothing like pulling an all-nighter and taking a week off of work to study for 21 hours with friends then sitting down at the final and going "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!??"

Example finalS, final review notes, and previous tests/examples... had fucking almost nothing to do with the final. I don't know how they fucking expect us to exhibit knowledge of something we've never been...
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*groan* I don't want to take a final and go to work tomorrow.

Was today a low ozone day or something by the way? It didn't feel that hot out, but I... who NEVER gets a tan... got tan being by the pool and at the dog park today. It is freaking incredible... maybe, just maybe i'll be a nice golden brown color by week's...
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Okay I just had to post this, it made me LOL. One of my co-workers who is a complete StarTrek dork was playing it over and over at work:

Minus the part where I hang paint cans from the top of the stairs, yeah, that's pretty much how it went down. wink
nice sky it looks killer
id rant more but it's become less cauthartic the older i get
yeah i havnt seen tmnt as the kidz call it today *old man rant* when i was a kid we had to walk 20 mi. in the snow and our turtles movie had a crappy rapper in it and giant muppets oh yeah and that stupid earnie kid rasafrazzen *end rant*

like i said befor rocky is literally across the st. for me id definitly go
have you heard bacharach/costello's colabo?
i havn't heard of the pixies bach connection ill have to check it out
So, the BYOB party was a lot of fun. Verily, Saturday was recovery day.

Apparently, once you reach mid-20s you're supposed to be "too cool" to go bowling or something. No one wants to go play volleyball, or bowling, or swimming, or go to a movie, etc. Trying to roust people from their lazy Sundays is hard! The most enthusiastic response I got was my...
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thanks for the invite got it too late thoug
i like bowling and movies well some movies at least and bowlings more of an excuse to drink
eh i just went to a sketch class drew sg suzy she's cool
Happy Friday everyone! I've got a case of Heinekin, so I have a bit to share at the BYOB(bring your own beer) party for those coming but too cheap to bring their own.

Gonna jump in the shower and get all un-nasty from the gym. See ya there if you're there.
WTF? I'm all productive and stuff when I get enough sleep and am not buried by work. I woke up, cooked myself a nice breakfast, took the dog for a jog. Sorted my MP3s, did laundry, went to the chiropractor, went to the gym, went and hung out with a friend who is having relationship problems and drank with him for a while and am...
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OFF PROJECT! OFF PROJECT OFF PROJECT!!! YAYYYYYY!!!!! I just have some cleanup shit to do but we are done with the biggest bullshit part of the project at work today! Time to celebrate by pumping the music up to 11 and watching the plaster fall from the ceiling.
Okay, this is gonna be funny because I am going to use a sports term but I don't watch sports. Hockey is never on, and rugby is only on the international stations... anyway.

I thought I was completely screwed for not finishing work crap on time, when I pulled a hail marry in the last 5 seconds of the game. I googled for a file...
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yeah i liked shaun of the dead too
the new one is similar but it's it's own thing too

i always use sports analogies but i use them knowingly wrong
People seriously have no sense of humor... that or i'm just highly insensitive.

I was sitting talking about all the crap I have due on monday between classes and work. I have to do a presentation at work, capstone project presentation in class(senior engineering final project), give a class lecture on SANs, a programming project, and a retardedly long AI algorithm to work out. They...
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ah i would of thought that was funny
yeah people are too damn sensitive skull