ok so the other day i get an email from sarah. and its an invite to sign up at myspace.com so i had nothing to do at 7 in the morning so i did it. i come home from doin all my crap and after work that day and i go check my email and there is like 100 mesages in there. i knew that bout 50-75 were crap and old ones so i look at it and there is like 15 people all tryin to get on my friends list on myspace and all that was up there was my picture nothing else. then the next day the same thing happens no info 15 more people tryin to get on my list. i check my mailbox for them and there are quite a few messages from girls sayin how cute and sexy i am and how they want to talk to me. i used the same pic that i have up here. the beard growin spikey hair. oh on a side note. i tried to actually do something with my hair yesterday and i had to realize that it has grown too long to spike it up.
i only got to put it up like 2-3 times. oh well im still gonna try and grow it out again but i need to get the back cut because its starting to get big curls in the back like a little bitch. the other day i had thought of something to put out as a thought but i havent slept much in the past few days so i cant really think. but anyways is that weird about what happened on myspace. maybe im just crazy hell if i know. less then 2 weeks till the big camping trip and party time. cant wait to see some nice titties for a change.
i went and saw amittyville horror last night pretty damn good. michael bay and his company radar is giving joel silver and dark castle great competiton if you can even call it that. i added a new pic in the me folder yes just one for now im gonna try and get some more soon.
i went and saw amittyville horror last night pretty damn good. michael bay and his company radar is giving joel silver and dark castle great competiton if you can even call it that. i added a new pic in the me folder yes just one for now im gonna try and get some more soon.
tell me , where is suffolk?
Harr, I kid, I kid.
Glad to see you update more often, though I don't comment. I'm just a bad journal buddy. I read everyone's, but I never comment. Looks like things are going well for you, so cheers to that.