ok here is my bitch for the week. i have been talking to this girl off and on for the past few weeks. she doesnt really interest me but she is someone to mess around with. well i finally hung out with her last night and wow. this chick is truely not for me. i dont even want to mess around with her because she will get really attached. now i really dont even talk to her that much so when she first came over to my house she started to lean on me and hold me and crap like that. i dont like girls that are really clingy. i tell her to stop touching me all the time and she doe not get it. after hanging out with her for a little while i decided that i didnt want to mess around with her. i told her i was really tired and that i was going to eat something real quick and then go to bed. she sat on my couch and didnt want to leave. she even told me that she needed to go home but she wouldnt leave. i was doing all types of bad things to her so she would get the picture that i didnt want anything to do with her. i even didnt walk her out to her car when she left. i sat right at the table and didnt get up. so today she was again all over me and i had to keep telling her to stop. i would even walk away from her but she never got the picture. i dont know what to do any more. i have tried everything i could think of to let her know i dont want to be around her without just saying it and hurting her feelings. but i guess i will have to start talking about other girls and tell her something else. i dont know how to get rid of this girl. and i cant fuck things up to bad cause my boss doesnt want to lose her as an employee. so i have to do this in a way so she wont quit. im actually confused on this one. she even had a plan to come back to my house today and see me again. she left her work shirt in my house. so she came over to get it and at the time i was cooking myself something to eat before work so i let her come in for a second and im in the kitchen cooking and she just sits on my couch and doesnt say shit and i sure as hell wasnt going to say shit to her. so i guess she got the hint that i was busy. then tonight she tells me she is going to go to bed then she sends me a text message saying she wants to hang out and come over. i had to tell her i was going out. she keeps trying to tickle me all the time but she doesnt know what she is doing and so now i have small marks on my ribs and it hurts to put any pressure on that side. does anyone have any advice on how to let her down softly?????
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