so i hope everyone had a good halloween. cause i know i didnt. course its pretty much just another day around here except we have candy in the house. i wish i could have gone to a party over the weekend but no car so no party. yes i know i have some lame ass friends who wouldnt even come out and pick me up but of course i havent talked to any of them in so long so........
ok so i am still sick which sucks royal donkey balls. but today i took some dayquil right before i went to work and that helped out. i felt like so many times better then i did all day. i think if i hadnt then i would have been able to work. damn colds i always get them. my mom asked me the other day if i wanted a flu shot. i had to remind her that i havent had the flu in like forever and ive never had a damn flu shot except maybe when i was a small child. and i dont even think i got them then. the world wasnt so damn health crazy back then.
ok so i am still sick which sucks royal donkey balls. but today i took some dayquil right before i went to work and that helped out. i felt like so many times better then i did all day. i think if i hadnt then i would have been able to work. damn colds i always get them. my mom asked me the other day if i wanted a flu shot. i had to remind her that i havent had the flu in like forever and ive never had a damn flu shot except maybe when i was a small child. and i dont even think i got them then. the world wasnt so damn health crazy back then.
hope you feel better.