so i went out and bought a purple dress shirt today. well ok is lavandor but still in the purple family. i cant wait to wear it out this saturday night when me and my friends all go to hang out. im so freakin excited right now biggrin

will take a few pics tonight to test out the look of it
that shirt rocks!
so how was the night out?
so i was looking through some of my more recent drawings and i have realized something about them. the drawings of women are more upbeat and positive and the ones of men are depressing and sad. but of course all the drawings of men are based on myself. so i guess im just reflecting my loneliness and desperation to be with someone or something better...
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i just went trougt ur drawing folder, and i like them a lot, i do some skecthing too the last time!! but wow, u have many drwaings! love and i love ur entry! kiss
so it snowed for a hot minute yesterday morning. and oh course i got to drive home in it. a drive that would normally take 40 min took an hour and a half. i was so frustrated but at the same time uber sleepy so at least i got a bit of sleep sitting in traffic
sitting in traffic sucks so bad.

added some new drawings but the order they were done in is messed up
i like all dressed up alot. they are all very good, you are very talented. that should be something you are very proud of.

how are you anyways? haven't talked in awhile.
the cold sucks, but everything else is good.

take care kiss
hope everyone enjoys their day of great consumerism. to all you couples hope you enjoy today and to all you single people lets all have a drink.
hope you enjoyed your drink.
so i broke my phone yesterday and so today i went out and bought a new one. i spent a lot more then what i wanted too but i got a pretty sweet phone. i now have the abilty to take pictures out on the go.
but its a bit hard sometimes cause they just have so many cool features that you know you can use that it somehow makes sense to spend $300 on a phone or more.
its starting to snow here. well snowing is falling anyway. it hasnt startred to stick yet but it was snowing all day... ok well off and on and the snow would only drop for about 10 minutes tops. but its still the fact that it snowed today.
so i finally made it back from boston. what a crazy time i had up there. i did a good bit of drinking, a good bit of partying, a lot of walking, and a lot of tlaking with some cool ass new poeple. i love meeting new people and being able to stay in touch with them. i love to make good and long lasting...
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glad to hear you had a great time. enjoying yourself is good for the soul.

oh wow, seems like you had a really great time! good to hear!!

lots of love!!! kiss
im off to boston everyone. i will be there by 6 tonight. im so excited i cant wait i hope to take a lot of pictures and have a blast. i will try and give some updates while im there.
have fun in Boston
boston in 2 days. im so excited i cant wait. ive never been to new england. last place for me to conquer
quick update here. seattle is going to the super bowl. the first game of football i have watched all year and i get to see seattle win and get a chance to go to the super bowl. im so freakin happy
well thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday i will get around to thanking everyone with a personal message later but for right now thanx. i ended up actually doing something. my friend called me that morning not realizing that it was my birthday and we made plans to hangout that night. so we ended up going to a pool hall right...
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