I went on my annual pilgrimage to the Bronx Zoo this past Friday, and it was predictably pleasant. That's why I go back every year. I've got it down to a science: go in the spring because that's when the zoo's at its freshest and most verdant; go on a weekday but not on the free day, Wednesday, because there will be even more screaming kids; get there early so you can see everything; take the West Farms/East Tremont train exit or you will get lost, my friend. The locals are very helpful, though, and will guide your white, city ass to the zoo from whatever crazy spot you managed to get yourself lost in. I saw this sign in a newspaper kiosk window on the way there this year: Bronzo. Straight up 3 block. Then I realized "Bronzo" was a crazy phonetic version of Bronx Zoo. It made me smile.
Well, into the zoo we went for a cool $14 each. It was a beautiful day but it wasn't going to be heating up for a while, and we were freezing our tits off in our scanty summer clothing. I'm sure I looked like a plucked chicken for a few hours at least. It was crisp and clear...

We dove indoors for some warmth, and were fortunate to have chosen a tropical habitat. The air was heavy and moist, and it smelled of dank animal scents. It made for some drowsy animals, too. A guy was shouting at this tree kangaroo so it would lift its head for a proper picture. I noticed several people throughout the day yelling things to "get the animals' attention".

A gentle tapir (I love its piggy toes):

Some inquisitive tropical fishes and a long-nosed Asian turtle:

There were a couple new baby langurs:

I overheard a woman standing in front of the chinchilla habitat asking the little boy with her, "Yo, what those niggaz doin' in there?!" I had almost forgotten the zoo was indeed in the Bronx.

The African Wild Dogs exhibit had opened just last year, and it's one of the most exciting features of the zoo. There are a lot of dogs in it, and they're constantly engaging in dominance/submission behaviors; running around, yipping in a crazy high-pitched squeak, nuzzling, rolling around, and then flopping down to rest up for the next round.

The Ethiopian baboons always look crazy in their shaggy coats. They share a huge habitat with some ibexes. And the Canadian geese, well, they have squatters' rights, along with various other local animals that know a cushy home when they see one.

Back inside for some birds:

And back outdoors to work off the chili cheese dog and souvenir-size root beer. Some more snoozing in the sun for the turtles and the polar bear.

The gorillas had been moved to the pay-to-see habitat called The Congo. I had seen the gorillas last year, so I didn't bother to go this time around. This caught my eye, however. We have a few things in common, it would seem...

Tiger Mountain was free again this year, and the tigers were not disappointing in photo ops.

They had a nice, large habitat, with some piscine and avian roommates.

A duck seen from below:

And here he is as we might usually see him:

I think this goose thought I was the one on exhibit:

Ah, the open prairie...

Another year in the bag, another lovely trip. Another rude awakening on the subway ride back home, but feeling blissed out nonetheless. Tomorrow, I go back to what will most likely prove to be another crazy contract year at work, and grinding my teeth, and feeling pissed off. But otherwise, I look forward to a nice summer, hopefully replete with travel plans that actually come to fruition.
Best wishes and good day....
Well, into the zoo we went for a cool $14 each. It was a beautiful day but it wasn't going to be heating up for a while, and we were freezing our tits off in our scanty summer clothing. I'm sure I looked like a plucked chicken for a few hours at least. It was crisp and clear...

We dove indoors for some warmth, and were fortunate to have chosen a tropical habitat. The air was heavy and moist, and it smelled of dank animal scents. It made for some drowsy animals, too. A guy was shouting at this tree kangaroo so it would lift its head for a proper picture. I noticed several people throughout the day yelling things to "get the animals' attention".

A gentle tapir (I love its piggy toes):

Some inquisitive tropical fishes and a long-nosed Asian turtle:

There were a couple new baby langurs:

I overheard a woman standing in front of the chinchilla habitat asking the little boy with her, "Yo, what those niggaz doin' in there?!" I had almost forgotten the zoo was indeed in the Bronx.

The African Wild Dogs exhibit had opened just last year, and it's one of the most exciting features of the zoo. There are a lot of dogs in it, and they're constantly engaging in dominance/submission behaviors; running around, yipping in a crazy high-pitched squeak, nuzzling, rolling around, and then flopping down to rest up for the next round.

The Ethiopian baboons always look crazy in their shaggy coats. They share a huge habitat with some ibexes. And the Canadian geese, well, they have squatters' rights, along with various other local animals that know a cushy home when they see one.

Back inside for some birds:

And back outdoors to work off the chili cheese dog and souvenir-size root beer. Some more snoozing in the sun for the turtles and the polar bear.

The gorillas had been moved to the pay-to-see habitat called The Congo. I had seen the gorillas last year, so I didn't bother to go this time around. This caught my eye, however. We have a few things in common, it would seem...

Tiger Mountain was free again this year, and the tigers were not disappointing in photo ops.

They had a nice, large habitat, with some piscine and avian roommates.

A duck seen from below:

And here he is as we might usually see him:

I think this goose thought I was the one on exhibit:

Ah, the open prairie...

Another year in the bag, another lovely trip. Another rude awakening on the subway ride back home, but feeling blissed out nonetheless. Tomorrow, I go back to what will most likely prove to be another crazy contract year at work, and grinding my teeth, and feeling pissed off. But otherwise, I look forward to a nice summer, hopefully replete with travel plans that actually come to fruition.
Best wishes and good day....

Hope your doing well....wish we had more time to hang out in NYC....did I tell you how much I luvre your hair !
Come back and show us more pictures, I love your journals, they are always waaaaay best
The first one would be funnier, but I know that you're all about specific, narrowly defined gender roles.