It's a beautiful day in Brooklyn today, and of course, I'm indoors, taking it easy after being up late last night for a Spielerfrau show. That's one of the bands my husband's in. They played at Crash Mansion, in the Bowery. They didn't go on until midnight, I think, and I was pretty buzzed after drinking while waiting around for the first round of bands to finally end. Crash Mansion is pretty crappy, even though the setup is nice, they're not stingy with the booze, and the door guy is a sweet guy from Ireland named Tony. The bands that play there just tend to be quite amateur, and therefore bad. I got into a little fight with my friend because she and her man thought that the way I was dancing with my friend, Chris, was disrespectful to my husband. I have to say, Cris was twirling me around, dipping me front and back, and getting a bit Lambada/Dirty Dancing on me. We sorted the tiff out, but I thought it was my husband's place to say if he didn't like it, and he knows how Chris likes to dance like a freak when he's drunk. And I tend to be right there with Chris, almost about to dance with a lampshade on my head, if you know what I mean. I asked my husband several times if he was embarrassed or felt cuckolded in front of everyone, but he said it was all in my friend's head, and I'm pretty sure he was being 100% honest with me. It put a weird damper on things, needless to say.
Anyhoo, I'm in the mood to shamelessly plug Spielerfrau (which means roughly a footballer's wife or a gambling woman, although I have witnessed two German women at a party argue over the validity of the word). I have to say, I will not blindly endorse or admire a band just because my husband or friends are in it (I mean it!) so believe me when I say they are a great band, and I love their songs. They rock out at every show, and they're even going to Russia in October for a tour. They're a bunch of foreigners; the singer's Latvian, the guitarist's from New Zealand, the drummer (my husband) is Irish, and ony the newly inducted keyboardist and the pro tem bassist are Americans (the old bassist was from Denmark). They sound a bit like Bauhaus, Echo and the Bunnymen, a happier Joy Division, etc. Long story short, if you are interested, check them out at their MySpace page. I recommend checking out Vulgar Tongue or Alt first.
I love this picture from when they were at CMJ this past spring. The poor chick inside the bunny suit was sweltering in the heat. (The guy on the far right used to be the bassist.)

This was from the Monkeytown show they did a couple weeks ago in Williamsburg. It was a particularly kick-ass show that comprised of two long sets played to an art film projected onto four walls of screens. They serve amazing food there, which you eat on low futons at rows of low tables. A bit pretentiously chi chi, but oh well. You can sorta see me on the far left. That whitish shape is my face.

This is mah hubbie making his drumming O-face.

This is the guitarist, Aaron, and the pro tem bassist, John. This and the following picture were taken in a rather dark room, and I'm trying to figure out if the photographer used PhotoShop to make it so light. Hmmmm.... Any photography dorks out there that can weigh in on the subject?

This is the keyboardist, Jason. He's been a very nice addition to the band. He really gets into it when he's playing, hence the tongue.

Okay, enough hustling for one day. I hope your weekend is going well indeed.
Anyhoo, I'm in the mood to shamelessly plug Spielerfrau (which means roughly a footballer's wife or a gambling woman, although I have witnessed two German women at a party argue over the validity of the word). I have to say, I will not blindly endorse or admire a band just because my husband or friends are in it (I mean it!) so believe me when I say they are a great band, and I love their songs. They rock out at every show, and they're even going to Russia in October for a tour. They're a bunch of foreigners; the singer's Latvian, the guitarist's from New Zealand, the drummer (my husband) is Irish, and ony the newly inducted keyboardist and the pro tem bassist are Americans (the old bassist was from Denmark). They sound a bit like Bauhaus, Echo and the Bunnymen, a happier Joy Division, etc. Long story short, if you are interested, check them out at their MySpace page. I recommend checking out Vulgar Tongue or Alt first.
I love this picture from when they were at CMJ this past spring. The poor chick inside the bunny suit was sweltering in the heat. (The guy on the far right used to be the bassist.)

This was from the Monkeytown show they did a couple weeks ago in Williamsburg. It was a particularly kick-ass show that comprised of two long sets played to an art film projected onto four walls of screens. They serve amazing food there, which you eat on low futons at rows of low tables. A bit pretentiously chi chi, but oh well. You can sorta see me on the far left. That whitish shape is my face.

This is mah hubbie making his drumming O-face.

This is the guitarist, Aaron, and the pro tem bassist, John. This and the following picture were taken in a rather dark room, and I'm trying to figure out if the photographer used PhotoShop to make it so light. Hmmmm.... Any photography dorks out there that can weigh in on the subject?

This is the keyboardist, Jason. He's been a very nice addition to the band. He really gets into it when he's playing, hence the tongue.

Okay, enough hustling for one day. I hope your weekend is going well indeed.

And as far as visiting us, you should pick out a cheap flight when you guys can come up and we'll work around it.
Summer's passing us by though.
It's gonna be too cold for the swimmin hole.
At this point I would almost say (but not quite) that you should wait till winter, and go skiing with us.
Or sledding.
Or skating.
But Fall is really nice, too.
Just no swimmin.
And the nice part of Fall ends around Halloween.