So since i been back from Reno (monday) i been sick. Yesterday i woke up with a sore throat and achy body. I decided not to go to work and sleep in and get better. Well this fucking crow wouldnt shut the fuck up so i made him... Well today i woke up i was a lil better so i decided to go to work. Well my friends, work isnt work for me. I hate to say it but we are slow and i get payed to facebook, look on here and find out total random shit like how much can a a pigeon fly with, how much c-4 would it take to blow up the moon, what would you rather get your ass kicked by a monkey or get torn up by a shark, would you put a tampon in your tea for ten grand, or the million dollar question, would you suck a dick for a million bucks? Some of the shit we come up with as for conversations is out of control. I would like to go around filming us but i think once season one gets out, there we will have no jobs for season two. lmfao.But hey, we help keep America free, so why not. Well since i gotten home, i masturbated three times, waiting for my white rice and fish to cook, please dont look up the time it takes to make these items......

Awww..cute pictures!
You are soooo great!!!