so now my computer is fixed! yay for technical bullshities.
thanks to some subtle hints from ink im writing a new blog, but im gonna go with this on the run, i dont know what im gonna right about.
i'd like to make it known that kurt russell is the man, if you didn't already know
fitting with my last blog about fights, another one happened last night
i can now say i've seen a dude get hit in the face with the but end of a shotgun
new guitar purchase is in the works, ill make sure to post lots of pretty pictures when i get my new baby
so, this concludes my pointless bullshit blog, sorry for wasting your time
keep it fireball

thanks to some subtle hints from ink im writing a new blog, but im gonna go with this on the run, i dont know what im gonna right about.
i'd like to make it known that kurt russell is the man, if you didn't already know
fitting with my last blog about fights, another one happened last night
i can now say i've seen a dude get hit in the face with the but end of a shotgun
new guitar purchase is in the works, ill make sure to post lots of pretty pictures when i get my new baby
so, this concludes my pointless bullshit blog, sorry for wasting your time
keep it fireball
Anyways the guitars you showed me were pretty sweet looking. I dont know the difference each one produces from the next though. And quite frankly, they weren't super pretty. I won't be getting any of those. But not to sound too girly. I dont want one of those heart or flower shaped guitars. No hello kitty ones either....... nope that I dont mind.
I cant imagine that your ear could rip if you put stone plugs back in. They aren't THAT heavy!
I heard you can earn bank in stock photography. Someone mentioned to me at least 60 thousand a year if your good? I dont expect to earn that much. Maybe enough to buy the things I want..
But I think if I did stock. Id do everything. Softbox/Lightbox pictures and then traveling around pictures (pictures of streets, airplanes, unmarked cars, signs, buildings, people, etc.)
Actually currently Im trying to learn how to take lightbox photos like this:
Im thinking whoever took that pic cut it out in photoshop later and pasted it on a new white layer. I just dont know how to do that yet. Argh
and ill let you know! It'll probably be on my shop page on my site. Once I get that running. Im not sure how big I want the prints to be.. either little 4x6's or I dont know yet.
I want a plastic shark toy to bring with me to the gym pool.. do you think the other lap swimmers would mind me playing with it in the middle of the pool? Nah I cant imagine they would.