Fine I will join in your silly games.
(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
1/20/05 boy was I drunk
Its so very cold so very very cold and I left my snowboard and gloves in Chicago because my roomate said "don't worry it dosen't snow in Dayton" and now he blames teh snow on me.. shit he may be right though .... I thing I am going to continue to drink untill I can't feel anymore .... almost there ... can't wait untill I move to Costa RIca ... I need to brush up on my spanish .... I hoat spanish but in costa rica it is warm and they have the hotttest women in teh world .... I need more wisky ... Hey you ... yes you ... I see you .... I know you are reading this righ now ... don't be afraid .... share your thoughts ...... do it .... come on ... GOOOOOOOOOO .... i'm out
While I'm at it you shoud drag your ass out to Fox and Hound and Diamonds for Guys night Out .... It will be FUN ... If you don't have fun you can kick me in the balls .. that is how sure I am that you will have fun ... you know you want to .... It will be more fun that sitting on you ass waking off to SG's ..... Outside good .... sitting alone at home bad ... January 29 mark it on teh calander and Go .... Just do it
Good Shtt to read
My cock and balls are my best friend
They will be with me to the end
They are teh best toy ever
There are so many different way to have fun with then
To enjoy then you dont't enven have to be clever
Haiku For You
Sometimes I feel board
Then I go play with my balls
This makes me happy
Fine I will join in your silly games.
(A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
1/20/05 boy was I drunk
Its so very cold so very very cold and I left my snowboard and gloves in Chicago because my roomate said "don't worry it dosen't snow in Dayton" and now he blames teh snow on me.. shit he may be right though .... I thing I am going to continue to drink untill I can't feel anymore .... almost there ... can't wait untill I move to Costa RIca ... I need to brush up on my spanish .... I hoat spanish but in costa rica it is warm and they have the hotttest women in teh world .... I need more wisky ... Hey you ... yes you ... I see you .... I know you are reading this righ now ... don't be afraid .... share your thoughts ...... do it .... come on ... GOOOOOOOOOO .... i'm out
While I'm at it you shoud drag your ass out to Fox and Hound and Diamonds for Guys night Out .... It will be FUN ... If you don't have fun you can kick me in the balls .. that is how sure I am that you will have fun ... you know you want to .... It will be more fun that sitting on you ass waking off to SG's ..... Outside good .... sitting alone at home bad ... January 29 mark it on teh calander and Go .... Just do it
Good Shtt to read
My cock and balls are my best friend
They will be with me to the end
They are teh best toy ever
There are so many different way to have fun with then
To enjoy then you dont't enven have to be clever
Haiku For You
Sometimes I feel board
Then I go play with my balls
This makes me happy
when ya gonna move to costa rica? so you speak spanish? my mom is from peru, so she speaks it fluently!
nice GUYS NITE OUT plugg...do ya know if fox and hound is 18+ or 21+ or what? just curious!
you are quite the poet!