What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? ~Robert H. Schuller
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila.
- Mitch Radcliffe
The SG Burlesque Show
I left nice and early on Friday to head to Oxalis casa to do some pre-drinking. My game plan was to drink a lot early and sober up as the night went on so that I could drive home. The flaw in the game plan was that somewhere between all of the Mezcal and pills I completely forgot about the plan. After everybody met up and got a good buzz going we were off to the show.
Tsu Shi Ma Mi Rae and the other opening band were very entertaining. They were worth the cost of the show. I was really, really drunk at the show. It was a very happy buzz. I didnt feel like fighting the crowds so I just stood towards the back. The last thing I wanted was some pervert poking me in the ass with a hard on. I got to see the lovely ladies from the waste up, not perfect but better than nothing. The highlight was when Nixon did the Hunter S. Thompson dance.
I woke up, with a little help from Doug, at 8:30 because my Mom asked me to move a drying machine to my Grandparents all by myself and it had to be done in the morning. When I got home I learned that my Grandma had recruited a very close family friend to help, and that we were not only going to move the dryer but also most of our furniture. He brought a huge trailer and between both of our trucks and the trailer we got everything in one trip. Luckily we also had the unexpected help of my brother. I had thought it would take weeks for us to move everything that we moved today.
Days like today make me re-evaluate the value that I put on family and good friends.
Random jibberish
I think I need to buy this shirt
thanks to Annee.
The culture jamming movement has been brought to my attention recently. I have been doing my own form of verbal culture jamming for a while now. The whole time I thought I was just being a sarcastic asshole.
Return of the Haiku
The eye of the storm
Eerie silence, tranquil death
Confined by chaos
Bacon in the fridge
gurgle, pop, sizzle and cook
get in my belly
Anyone know a good cheap place to get pierced in Chicago?
Anyone want to go with me?
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila.
- Mitch Radcliffe
The SG Burlesque Show
I left nice and early on Friday to head to Oxalis casa to do some pre-drinking. My game plan was to drink a lot early and sober up as the night went on so that I could drive home. The flaw in the game plan was that somewhere between all of the Mezcal and pills I completely forgot about the plan. After everybody met up and got a good buzz going we were off to the show.
Tsu Shi Ma Mi Rae and the other opening band were very entertaining. They were worth the cost of the show. I was really, really drunk at the show. It was a very happy buzz. I didnt feel like fighting the crowds so I just stood towards the back. The last thing I wanted was some pervert poking me in the ass with a hard on. I got to see the lovely ladies from the waste up, not perfect but better than nothing. The highlight was when Nixon did the Hunter S. Thompson dance.
I woke up, with a little help from Doug, at 8:30 because my Mom asked me to move a drying machine to my Grandparents all by myself and it had to be done in the morning. When I got home I learned that my Grandma had recruited a very close family friend to help, and that we were not only going to move the dryer but also most of our furniture. He brought a huge trailer and between both of our trucks and the trailer we got everything in one trip. Luckily we also had the unexpected help of my brother. I had thought it would take weeks for us to move everything that we moved today.
Days like today make me re-evaluate the value that I put on family and good friends.
Random jibberish
I think I need to buy this shirt

The culture jamming movement has been brought to my attention recently. I have been doing my own form of verbal culture jamming for a while now. The whole time I thought I was just being a sarcastic asshole.
Return of the Haiku
The eye of the storm
Eerie silence, tranquil death
Confined by chaos
Bacon in the fridge
gurgle, pop, sizzle and cook
get in my belly
Anyone know a good cheap place to get pierced in Chicago?
Anyone want to go with me?
Well I'm Definitely wise but I'm getting better with all my experiments,or is it mistakes.

I don't know about cheap, but I've gotten all of my piercings at Chicago Tattoo and Piercing on Belmont. It's some flat rate for everything above the waist. Each piercing was done by a different person and they were all very professional soothing and better than the people who did it for me in the SF bay area.