Sometimes it is hard to swallow. sometimes it is hard to breathe. Sometimes I think I'm done being angry and upset about things and sometimes I realsise I am not.
I wish that my life could be even an eeny bit simple. I wish that my love knew what he wants. (the irony here is that what he wants is only good to me if it is also what I want...)
Sometimes even though I struggle so hard and try so much to be the upbeat person, it just rises up inside me and I just seem to drown in all these negative feelings.
How can I be quirky me when all around me people are so much more interesting, so much more quirky, so much more beautiful.
i feel like I have put on weight ( i probably have) and now I feel like a whale. I even feel like I have no friends on here to dial out to right now. I don't know why I am writing this blog. :S
I just feel like a fat, frumpy, sad little girl that is intent on destroying herself and everything she loves.
I'd like to go to sleep for a few weeks to see if anything gets better.
Hopefully one day he can look into my eyes and see....
Hopefully one day I can look into the mirror and see...
I wish that my life could be even an eeny bit simple. I wish that my love knew what he wants. (the irony here is that what he wants is only good to me if it is also what I want...)
Sometimes even though I struggle so hard and try so much to be the upbeat person, it just rises up inside me and I just seem to drown in all these negative feelings.
How can I be quirky me when all around me people are so much more interesting, so much more quirky, so much more beautiful.
i feel like I have put on weight ( i probably have) and now I feel like a whale. I even feel like I have no friends on here to dial out to right now. I don't know why I am writing this blog. :S
I just feel like a fat, frumpy, sad little girl that is intent on destroying herself and everything she loves.
I'd like to go to sleep for a few weeks to see if anything gets better.
Hopefully one day he can look into my eyes and see....
Hopefully one day I can look into the mirror and see...
cheer up kiddo. you're more important than you know
hey corinney, this mite be a bit random but i came across ur page an read ur blog...want u to kno that u r an extremly beautiful woman! one 1 can fully understand how u feel but i can relate to it alot! chin up girl! u seem awsome