this is me spiralling down... am i really just a selfish person that cant seethe good things ahead of me? jeez why do i have to be depressed. it sucks major monkey ass. upshot: i dont know what to do where to go who to talk to... my head is screaming *fuuuuuck* all the time...
*secret* i want to see someone so bad. i know he will make me feel better.
maybe i just am pathetic. vunderbar. maybe i will just go browse some pics til i feel truly numb and cant think about myself anymore. Sleeping pill anyone?
*secret* i want to see someone so bad. i know he will make me feel better.
maybe i just am pathetic. vunderbar. maybe i will just go browse some pics til i feel truly numb and cant think about myself anymore. Sleeping pill anyone?

i send u a huge!
life will get better for sure!