I have just realized that at my current place of employment they are trying to break the record for highest turnover rate (for a corporation). Ab-so-frikkin-great! After the company I work for was recently bought out by a larger company (which will be referred to as the Umbrella Corporation in any future references) , all went to hell
. My job description was changed; I was changed from customer service to sales, and high stress quotas were placed on several departments.
Sad to say, I used to like the job. The benefits were great, the pay is good (compared to the minimum wage one is subject to when living in the vicinity of a military base), and the average tenure of employees was over a year (average 2-3 yrs or more). A good example of the blunders of Umbrella Corp is as follows: staff members worked quickly to correct an "error" in the system, which would have applied double time and a half to a holiday I just worked (old company policy was 2 and 1/2 times the pay for any worked holiday). This particular "problem" was fixed in a matter of a couple of days. The first paycheck of the year under the new Umbrella Corp ended up screwing over over half of the employees in my department, due to excessive deductions for the new health care benefits. We (the workers, of course!) were informed we would receive a pay correction within weeks! So, I was several hundred dollars short and I have to wait for a correction on my next paycheck. Quite a difference in the time it took them to solve the problems (!); I suppose it's only important if they are paying out more, not paying back what I've already earned!.
Now, in order to save money and maximize profit, Umbrella Corp. states that they will not lay off people, but "natural attrition" will happen and balance out the levels of employees needed. Natural, my ass! Changing an employee's job description so they will be forced to quit or be fired makes the term "company ethics" a joke. For now, I can bust my ass at a job I hate, or deal with the annoyance of slaving for a Burger Boss.....
*sigh* I guess this means I need to get to selling more to keep my job. Would you like to buy some accessories? How about some web access?
Hasta la proxima for now. I need to put some glitter on my "Will Work For Food" sign

Sad to say, I used to like the job. The benefits were great, the pay is good (compared to the minimum wage one is subject to when living in the vicinity of a military base), and the average tenure of employees was over a year (average 2-3 yrs or more). A good example of the blunders of Umbrella Corp is as follows: staff members worked quickly to correct an "error" in the system, which would have applied double time and a half to a holiday I just worked (old company policy was 2 and 1/2 times the pay for any worked holiday). This particular "problem" was fixed in a matter of a couple of days. The first paycheck of the year under the new Umbrella Corp ended up screwing over over half of the employees in my department, due to excessive deductions for the new health care benefits. We (the workers, of course!) were informed we would receive a pay correction within weeks! So, I was several hundred dollars short and I have to wait for a correction on my next paycheck. Quite a difference in the time it took them to solve the problems (!); I suppose it's only important if they are paying out more, not paying back what I've already earned!.
Now, in order to save money and maximize profit, Umbrella Corp. states that they will not lay off people, but "natural attrition" will happen and balance out the levels of employees needed. Natural, my ass! Changing an employee's job description so they will be forced to quit or be fired makes the term "company ethics" a joke. For now, I can bust my ass at a job I hate, or deal with the annoyance of slaving for a Burger Boss.....
*sigh* I guess this means I need to get to selling more to keep my job. Would you like to buy some accessories? How about some web access?

Hasta la proxima for now. I need to put some glitter on my "Will Work For Food" sign