Call center work sucks. Really.
I've been working at different call centers for several years now, and I think I'm pretty close to being burned out. Sales, service, stats, faxes, email, follow up calls......
I guess the positive is that I'm now a super multi-tasker
I have a new job lined up (that I think I will actually enjoy!), but they don't guarantee hours, and it's lower pay. *sigh* I've already put in my two weeks notice, and hopefully I won't have to change my resignation date.
Here's hoping for the best.
Oh, and go check out Sawa and Nemesis. The hottest Halloween sets ever!
Call center work sucks. Really.
I've been working at different call centers for several years now, and I think I'm pretty close to being burned out. Sales, service, stats, faxes, email, follow up calls......
I guess the positive is that I'm now a super multi-tasker

Here's hoping for the best.

Oh, and go check out Sawa and Nemesis. The hottest Halloween sets ever!
Kushiel's Dart... Is that the one with the concubine that can turn pain into pleasure? Or am I thinking of something else?
And sadly, I've only read the initial book in the triology. I just haven't gotten around to reading the rest, although the first book is excellent.
AND you like Final Fantasy? You've gotta be a front-runner for sexiest woman alive.