that I tell you that I am not renewing my subscription to this site. I have enjoyed the time here and the people I have talked to but over the past couple of weeks, I have gotten nothing but spam. I keep getting "followers" who are girls I have never talked to before, have never liked any of my comments, and don't belong to any of the groups I am in. They are hopefuls and are trying to get as many followers as they can. Then there are also the other messages I have gotten as girls are trying to get me to buy their prints from their "other site".
I used to spend every night on this site when I got home from work. I would kick off my shoes, turn on my webcam and get in to the chat room. Before I knew it over 3 hours had passed because I was having so much fun. I am not going to sit here and bitch about how the site has changed, or how it used to only cost $29/year. Gas used to cost under $2 a gallon too. I understand time changes. I guess what I am trying to say is that, so do I. Farewell SG, Apnea brought me here... Spam took me away.